Not Just an Alternative Option

Roe v Wade is vital to the health and well-being of people across America and I stand in solidarity and fight for the decision to be held by the people who are in the horrible situation of deciding if they should have an abortion. The act of overturning Roe v Wade instills so many issues:Continue reading “Not Just an Alternative Option”

Instant Family: One More Layer

I went and saw Instant Family over the Winter Break. Overall I LOVED the film and already have it in my queue to purchase. It was a 118 minutes of warm and fuzzy feelings that had me in tears throughout the whole thing. And while I am an international transracial adoptee, which is in somewaysContinue reading “Instant Family: One More Layer”

All in the Last Name

I’ve been asked many times why I decided to change my last name to Hercliff-Proffer. To be honest, it took me the full 21 months of my engagement to decide and even then it wasn’t until 3 weeks before when Michael applied for our license and with much frustration told me that I had toContinue reading “All in the Last Name”

Chul Ho Shin & Language

Something random happened last week that has been on my mind…and it doesn’t have anything to do with the 2016 Election! Last week during a training on pronouns we were asked to introduce ourselves with the name given to us at birth and what if any was the significance and meaning of those names. I thought it wasContinue reading “Chul Ho Shin & Language”

My Asian-ness

Last week I staffed a co-sponsored event for the Chinese New Year that our office and a Chinese student organization put on. It was a great event with free food, an educational presentation, activities, and to cap it all off…fireworks! I knew that it would be a great experience for the students but I didn’t realizeContinue reading “My Asian-ness”

A Letter to the Governor

Dear Governor Snyder; First thank you for stepping up and serving the State of Michigan. As Governor, you are the individual we look at to lead our state towards not only prosperity and success but also being an equitable, socially just and compassionate state. That being said, it is disheartening to see that you are not fulfilling yourContinue reading “A Letter to the Governor”