Desperate Housewives; Dutiful Househusbands: #TBT Chapter 3

Chapter Three The Family in Situation Comedies; the 1970s to the 1990s  I. THE 1960S: SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TRANSITION During the 1960s the concept of the “All-American family” which appeared so often in the 1950s sitcoms underwent a radical change. This change was brought about in part by social and cultural alterations that had a far reachingContinue reading “Desperate Housewives; Dutiful Househusbands: #TBT Chapter 3”

Desperate Housewives; Dutiful Househusbands: An Undergraduate Thesis #TBT

I was cleaning out my files on my computer yesterday and stumbled across a gem from my undergrad days. My UNDERGRADUATE THESIS! Looking back, its been almost 10 years ago to the day that I finished my final draft of my undergraduate thesis; just in time to submit it to my Thesis Readers and AdvisorsContinue reading “Desperate Housewives; Dutiful Househusbands: An Undergraduate Thesis #TBT”